
UNLEASH documentary in the edit

Following on from my previous post on the 16th about the UNLEASH lab, what we are now currently editing is a pretty major piece of work. Once again to have to hand it to the Danish for having a foresight and guts to commission us to do something out of the box, for an out of the box event.

In addition to the conference videos which is a prerequisite for an event like this, they agreed to commission us to make an in depth piece – a 30 minute doc about one character. We chose Daniel. Daniel is a refugee from Burundi, who now lives in Kenya. There he lives in Kakuma refugee camp, where he has been for over 8 years.

As a result of some deep diplomatic negotiations between the Kenyan and Danish governments, they managed to get him over for UNLEASH. This gave him the opportunity to develop and pitch his idea to give refugees access to higher education inside the camps.

We’re currently in the edit, with the full piece coming out in early 2018…

All images 2007-2025 Phil Clarke Hill