
Food Sovereignty

Last night’s event at the Rich Mix in London, organised by 6 Billion ways was a talk about food sovereignty. This term was coined by Via Campesina, which is the largest social movement in the World, started in 1993, it is a coalition of 148 organisations, representing as many as 150 million members globally.

The screening and talks raised some excellent points and was a real insight into the imported food industry, how it affects all of us and why it is so important to buy locally. The most important point is how the WTO sets a global price for a commodity, which is the lowest that it can be possibly be bought in the WORLD, therefore not taking into account local economic situations, price of labour and seasonal factors.

Talking was Friends of the Earth’s Kirtana Chandrasekaran who wrote the excellent report ‘From Forest to Fork’ which can be viewed here.

This is something that every single person who eats should know about and act on. Behind the Seeds photo project is designed to help bring light to this extremely important issue, bringing the message to the public.

All images 2007-2025 Phil Clarke Hill