
Category: News

Student protest DayX2 30th Nov

The 3rd Student march – DayX2 yesterday passed off with minimal violence unlike the previous ones. Protesters and Police both seemed prepared for what was seen at the previous demonstrations. The protesters were in smaller numbers than before, possibly due to the weather as well as apprehension of violence and kettling. It seemed as though there wasn’t much planning by the protesters in terms of route, or it was because of the heavy Police presence that the march kept moving, sometimes erratically, changing direction and looping at points.

Originating in Trafalgar sq, it went right down to Victoria, Strand, Hyde Park, then down Oxford St and Tottenham Court road and eventually to the Bank of England, then towards London bridge where it dissipated. There wasn’t violence or vandalism anywhere near the scale of the last marches, possibly due to numbers, but also the Police were out in force. There were a couple of scuffles; one on Regents street (pictured) when protestors tried to break through a weak Police line. Another incident involved happened when a man trying to drive down Piccadilly was surrounded by protesters and eventually needed a human Police escort to continue his journey.

What was noticeable was the presence of school age protesters from varied backgrounds, hopefully they were out because it’s the start of them having an interest in politics and for reasons of social change, rather than to cause mayhem on the streets.

Coalition of Resistance Conference

Here’s some photos from the coalition of resistance conference on Saturday:

There was an amazing turnout of well over a thousand people for this meeting that could hold the key to help shape grassroots politics and action over the coming months and years. Tony Benn was elected president of the Coalition of Resistance.

The uprising is coming…

It’s all over the news: (no not the royal wedding) for the first time in ages, UK students are getting out on the streets to make a stand.

This article link is a great post written by Colin Jacobson on foto8 (UK photojournalism magazine and hub talking about Network Photographers and the grassroots documentation of the social and political landscape of the 80’s, drawing a great comparison to our opportunities now as young photojournalists in a changing country, lets make the most of it.

Robin Hammond

I’m feeling very inspired by the work of Panos photographer Robin Hammond at the moment, he manages to use visually stunning and fascinating imagery to raise awareness of important international issues, that affect all of us in day to day life…

Robin has kindly given me permission to show a few images on here from his ‘Dark side of denim’ project:

Made in Coorg – thanks everyone who supported the project

I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone that supported the Made in Coorg exhibition.

The show at the Outside World, 44 Redchurch Street, London, was a great success with at least 400 people through the door over the week, some sales, commissions, and a feature in the ecologist…:

I would also like to send out my extra grattitude to everyone who bought pre sale prints through crowd funding initiative ulule it wouldn’t have been possible without you!

A true insight into the Taliban

Very interesting short video about a Norwegian journalist who gained real access to the Taliban, it shows the truth behind the hype:

Made in Coorg

I recently made a portfolio book on Blurb, its about the fledgling Indian coffee industry in the region of Coorg.

You can view the preview here

Here’s a recent image of mine from Lordship resevoir in Hackney, its a different way of looking at the standard run down tower blocks, that many of us see every day.

The future of photojournalism is multimedia story telling:
for example duckrabbit: UK (based)

and Mediastorm (USA based)

So here the story begins…

I’ve finally decided to join the 21st Century and the blogging revolution. I will make a concerted effort not to bore the pants off you all…

I’m now back in London after returning from India and Nepal, where I have produced some interesting work and had some insane adventures, images and text to follow shortly…

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

All images 2007-2025 Phil Clarke Hill